
(HQ) Stockholm Fan Event Robert Pattinson / Ashley Greene

Twilight Breaking Dawn Fan Event Q & A 28 Oct 2011

34 Responses to “(HQ) Stockholm Fan Event Robert Pattinson / Ashley Greene”

  1. LOL You smell Really good? WTF?

  2. my god, good on rob and Ashley for powering through that one.

  3. interviewer get another job. stupid questions.

  4. what did Rob say…when he got the chance of being Edward Cullen>

  5. @Edwardsflicka För att hon som intervjuar inte kan ett piss Engelska, och så ställer hon skitkonstiga frågor.

  6. HAHA jag fick den där handkrämen Rob tog upp xD(Britney Spears)
    Den luktade faktikst ganska gott^^

  7. men kan dom hålla käften

  8. hHAHAHAHT their so funny!

  9. You smell really good,

  10. @superstitious08 hahah, jag var där…
    man ser mig i videon ;3

  11. @hallbertify Better then last year.

  12. I’m from Sweden and I’m 15 and I speak english better than her..

  13. Swedish people are crazy!
    Yes we are! Haha =P

  14. the interviewer make things awakward… she sucks…

  15. Omg I’m from Sweden and this is really embarrassing…

  16. There is so many people in Sweden that can talk perfect english…. why this interviewer… seriously?

  17. The Swedish people, that is… hehehehe

  18. OMG their ENGLISH. Kill me now.

  19. I was there and heard pretty much NOT a word what they said hahahaha! I mean, as much as I loved seeing them I think everyone should’ve at least been quiet a little bit of respect since they DID come to be interviewed and all… ANyways, now I know what they said :P

  20. @Cairovalerius Haha känns som jag missat något seriöst! När fan var det här? Hur kunde jag missa det! Hade lätt velat gå :(

  21. I Feel ashamed of being Swedish sometimes because some of us just can’t speak english. OMG Learn !!! :P

  22. I was right there! Loved it :D <3

  23. we were a bit loud. lol.

  24. omg i can’t hear a thing. the fans are way too loud!

  25. I’m sorry.. but I’m swedish and I freakin hate the interviewer. She’s so awkward, and don’t even get me started on her english.

  26. Good interviews. That nasty comment at the end was uncalled for though!

  27. kristen looked better than kerri-anne did…just sayin.

  28. no one gets sarcastic with kristen
    what a cow !!!!
    leaver her alone
    kristen stewart dresses the way she chooses and we love her for that
    Krisbian forever

  29. LOVE HIM LOVE HER LOVE THE MOVIE, can’t stand that stupid woman in the end!!! She looks great leave her the fuck alone already!!!

  30. omg Rob flipping out on the director…..HOTT!!! Thats a turn on hahahaah, He jsut got hotter in my eyes who agree? and btw who does that bitch think she is using sarcasm with Kristen….Whore.

  31. WOW, what a bitch, that was very shitty of her with her last comment. Mean snooty women, not classy.

  32. @mrsphoenix85 Yes she was being very sarcastic. Even though Rob and Kristen were dressed pretty much the same, she singled out Kristen. Like it was ok for a man to dress casual but not for a woman!

  33. @mrsphoenix85 Yes! kerri-anne is a bitch.

  34. „…Kristen Stewart dresses up for interviews, doesn’t she?“ — was she being sarcastic?

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