How To Get Grooveshark App on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch
Video tutorial showing you how to download the Grooveshark application for the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch for free. Buy this application if you enjoy it! Grooveshark is an internationally available online music search engine, music streaming service and music recommendation web software application, allowing users to search for, stream, and upload music free of charge that can be played immediately or added to a playlist. add this Cydia repo: Enjoy!
Video Rating: 5 / 5
@jvbidetti Don’t forget to check my „Restart Endlessly and Bypass Grooveshark Trial“ video
@doddsalfa How come? Check out my video tutorials for 4.3.3, 4.3.4, 4.3.5 or even 5.0. It will show show you how to do it!
thanks man!!!!! that’s pretty awesome
this is in reality little bit more complicated,there is no way i can jailebreake my iPod touch
@gonzalozuniga19 My pleasure! Don’t forget to check my „how to restart endlessly Grooveshark trial period“ video. Cheers!
thanks for video !
@cih1000 No, but check my channel for my „how to restart endlessly Grooveshark trial period“ video. It will help you out
Is the cracked version the one where you don’t have to pay for it and you can listen to unlimited music?:))
Nope, You get the trial period. And If you want to restart your trial period every two week (very easily) listen to my „How to restart endlessly the Grooveshark trial period“ video. Search for it on my channel! Cheers
if u sign in dont u have to pay??
@amaarmc its alright i tried it again and it was quick
@amaarmc That’s totally normal. As long as it installs!
@marcosmendez25 No homo! haha
@aycardo10 Woops, sorry. Fixed!
I love you, in the good way.
Try putting it in the description next time.
mine took so long installing the repo
@Th3R3m1xY0 YAAAAAH!
thanks you kitten muuurderer
@Paracetamol66 The video should be up in 30 minutes, check it out! Enjoy!
@Paracetamol66 This video unfortunately doesn’t give an infinite Grooveshark trial. I will upload a video on how to restart your trial tonight!
Thanx for the tutorial. I can t believe it. If it rlly works, ur my superhero. Which version of GS is this?
@Greenxrays Give me two days and I’ll make a video showing you how to restart your trial
Subscribe and It will be just for you!
doesn’t work if you already have the uncracked version installed and the trial has run out. It keeps asking if you „like the app“ every time you open it. Udidfaker doesn’t work.
@otakukj You uninstalled the old grooveshark and the new one? Then reinstalled the cracked version? That’s pretty much the only thing to do… You could try to download UDID faker and fake the UDID of your iDevice for the grooveshark application, it could work.