
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward – ENG MultiSub [FULL MOVIE]

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward è un web film non profit del 2011 diretto, prodotto e distribuito da Peter Joseph. È il terzo capitolo di Zeitgeist: the Movie e segue cronologicamente a Zeitgeist: Addendum. Il film è stato rilasciato indipendentemente in modo contemporaneo il 15 gennaio 2011 in 60 nazioni e 30 lingue, con 340 proiezioni in tutto il mondo. E’ stato definito uno degli eventi indipendenti più grandi della storia del cinema. Il film è stato rilasciato gratuitamente su internet dal 26 gennaio 2011 e ha ricevuto 300000 visualizzazioni nelle prime 24 ore e oltre 1,4 milioni di visualizzazioni nei cinque giorni successivi. Il 1 febbraio 2011 è stato rilasciato un file torrent per il download gratuito attraverso il network VODO, permettendo la donazione per finanziare i film successivi. Zeitgeist: Moving Forward identifica alcuni problemi della società, e propone un modo per vivere in equilibrio con l’ambiente, senza inquinare né distruggere le risorse naturali. Nel film vengono intervistati esperti in tutti i settori, come Dr. John McMurtry, filosofo della University of Guelph in Ontario, Dr. James Gilligan, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry alla School of Medicine di New York, Richard Wilkinson, Professor Emeritus della University of Nottingham. Il film è diviso in quattro parti. Ogni parte è composta da interviste ad esperti, narrazioni e seguenze animate. Parte I: La natura umana Il film inizia con una breve animazione narrata da Jacque Fresco (fondatore del Venus

25 Responses to “Zeitgeist: Moving Forward – ENG MultiSub [FULL MOVIE]”

  1. اقول بس اش اقول

  2. @tomvee22 People don´t like the truth perhaps because it is very hard.

  3. This society went to hell in a bread basket.

  4. Good grief, what bottomless naivitee to dream about a perfectly organized world-wide ecological dictatorship. Kim Yong Il would be proud.

  5. TRUTH It is very simple !! You just need to stop a minute and think ! But We still don’t know how to make a REACTION! thats the trick :) )) a hug to all.

  6. i hope that haapy end will come to real world!!!!!!!!!
    Im from poland

  7. There is nothing called addiction to video games, it is what the game offers not the game itself, the game offers another world

  8. @deanmullen10 don’t forget anti christ ,…(let’s enjoy life meanwhile,…I mean while the printer is working)

  9. Thank you for this change-motivational movie with such insights for a wonderfully hopeful future.

  10. @Quex01 The sad thing is that retarded comments can be corrected but the retarded youtubers can’t!Yea i mean you…yes you are retarded.

  11. @AnimusPipboy I dont mind that at all. At least i dont have to read retarded youtube comments from people like you.

  12. @Quex01 Dude you think like citizen in 17th century.Let’s just live in caves.Exactly what church wants.Coincidence?

  13. u wont belive this.

  14. lets prevent disaster! :) a one world nation by 2050 dependent on efficent renewable energy, with human and animal rights and equality. I call it the Nation Of Unity.

  15. why can’t we just built more oil for now? oil is fossil fuels why not take dead plants and perform the entropy process ourself and construct our own oil? then when solar power is cheap enough make the transition :)

  16. I am getting lost? what does genetics have to do with changing the world and stopping wars? I am getting confused?

  17. sati iau mortii in pula de youtube infect k nu gasesti nimik pe el :@:@:@

  18. حلللللللللللووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو

  19. 89رررررررررررررررررر

  20. Plain and simple the world is corrupt, theres no arguing with that, but this zeitgeist movement is just wishful thinking. Human nature, or human behavior, will never allow us to work in harmony. Each person is instilled with this want to out do each other. Also if you dont know what theosophy is then you might want to researh that because that is exactally what the zeitgeist is. Look up the name Madame H.P. Blatvatsky, she was the leader of the theosophical occult during the late 18hundreds


  22. „Peter Joseph“ or whatever his name is, what a turdbag! He praises technocratic utopia, thats exactly what THEY want. Coincidence?

  23. Si es cierto ,q significa weii????

  24. @MrIzzyDizzy

    The ruling class tends to react violently if threatened; how does the Venus Project plan to protect its revolution?

  25. @MrIzzyDizzy

    It doesn’t follow that there would be money, banks, and taxes in a communist economy. However, it’s true that these things might be in place under the lower phase of communism; socialism.

    This is because there will still be scarcity during this period; new structures must be built in place of old, and this takes time. The Venus Project would have to adopt similar policies during this period.

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