

FOR PA BOOKING CONTACT ARON ON 07545 278 563 Uproar brings you the freshest dance craze. CATCH IT…. BIN IT… KILL IT.. The Swine flu skank. By Jstar-Jay dolphin & Pilot-Aron jervis. Add Aron Jervis & Jay Dolphin to your facebooks for more info or catch us at

Symptoms Of Swine Flu

Harry Smith spoke with a Texas family who contracted Swine flu but are recovering without difficulty. Dr. Jennifer Ashton outlined the symptoms of swine flu.

50 Responses to “Swine Flu SKANK – THE ORIGINAL TRACK”

  1. Let me see you wine move get rid of that swine flu, dont come round here with your flussive terms coz i dont wanna die dude! LLOOOOOOOOOOLL!!

  2. skank fever!

  3. this shit is stupid dope i love this shit!

  4. Now he goes hard for the King !!

  5. lol i don’t wanna die dude

  6. Too many germs too many many germs

  7. There’s too many germs in here…

  8. this is fucking funny boy

  9. this is fucking funny

  10. catch it bin it kill it ;)

  11. catch it bin it kill it ;)

  12. memoriesss!!!!!! <3

  13. idont wanna die dude

  14. Feel like i got flu nw

  15. Tottenham riots


  17. sick

  18. lol

  19. jay is saved now wow bless God !

  20. 270 ppl got SWINE FLU

  21. dont come here with your flu symptons, i dont wanna die dude LMAOO

  22. Man try to blow his nose near me i fort no over u go, „Flee!“………… LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!

  23. you are doing good

  24. @mobert1000 failed

  25. 270 people didnt do the swine flu skank XD

  26. Why did everyone jump and freak out about swine flu? well the last time the virus popped up, it killed ~100 million people, known as the 1918 flu pandemic. Our generation has been so lucky not to have had a massive pandemic-mainly due to stricter hygiene standards and vaccinations.


  28. FUCK SWINE FLU in the ass!!! Check out my video on the deadly MAN FLU!!!

  29. bullshit

  30. hahahahaha this is the funniest video. what idiots with the masks. more government propaganda and bullshit lol

  31. Hippocratic oath= I swear by Apollo the healer & take witness to all other gods that I will NEVER EVER hurt anyone in practice of medicine.. Now- where’s the baby in 4 healthy baby visit? Hush little baby, don’t U cry, Doc’s gona inject U with formaldehyde. If that poison don’t keep U sick, Doc’s gona try another trick.. (Also includes aborted fetal tissue & aluminum in witch’s brew) English word „Pharmacy“ comes from Greek „Pharmakeia means witchcraft, poison, sorcery. Things still remain same

  32. And now no1 gives a flying fuck about the swine LoL

  33. Hope the whole family die so we have one less dumb-ass retarded fat family to deal with

  34. Polish health care = 30 years behind countries in western Europe.
    Polish hospitals, clinics = nightmare for the people
    dirt, shit, bad treatment of patients.
    Doctors refuse to help people, hard to sick people waiting for admission to the hospital after one year, most of them die in their homes by that time.
    Doctors hurt, challenging patients, doctors in Poland 99 percent of doctors taking bribes, taking money from people in the envelopes.
    SłuchajZapis fonetyczny

  35. i got this…my god was it 5 days of shit

  36. To know EXACTLY how to go to HEAVEN when you die, please click on my name and view the video „HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN“ on the right side. If anyone thinks that you will go to heaven simply based on being a good person, or doing good works, don’t be deceived, for no good work will take you to heaven when you die. You can, without a doubt know for certain your eternal destination and God has made it so simple. Please watch to hear the most important information you will ever learn in your life!

  37. its horrible in mexico because its way to high price to get a vaccination

  38. so the swine fly started from some one…um..a …pig : 0

  39. Did this family get sick from Tamiflu??

  40. @shewasahooa all different strains of flu can kill not just swine flu.

  41. It’s deadly in Mexico because Mexicans are poor and dirty lol.

  42. „The vitamin D group was 58 percent less likely to catch influenza A, the researchers report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.“ And this study was based on a specific dose of 1200 iu/day. If blood levels were normalized, the effect would be much higher.

    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Am J Clin Nutr (March 10, 2010). doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.29094)

  43. THe Swine Flu scare was a ploy to re energize big Pharma’s dwindling profits, those vaccines contain high amounts Mercury and are made in China!

  44. i agree with FUCKTARDIUS, lol funny name, anyways… u dont know wats in all that shots and vaccines they r giving us! like y do kids need to get shots before they go to school each year??!! thats retarded??!! i mean, its not like ure gonna die!! i heard the regular flu is worse than the swine flu! the stuff thats in the vaccines is something that makes you unable to reproduce because the government doesnt want anymore ppl becuz there are too many on earth

  45. @NoobiesAttack NOT SWINE FLU THEN! Fucking wanker, not that bad… Proper Swine flu is a killer you cunt!

  46. @shine1221 SHUT UP NIGGER!

  47. lmaooo AMERICA is a trip forreal

  48. @shine1221 I HAD A DREAM.

  49. With the masks, it looks like a movie I saw, ‘Night Of The Michael Jacksons’!


  50. vitamin d cured my flu in six hours. The flu is a seasonal disease caused by not enough uvb from the sun.

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