
Warcraft Battleground Tactics – Episode 8

Warcraft Battleground Tactics - Episode 8

Number 8!

Simon and Lewis strap rockets onto their bodies and resume exploration of the goblin starting area, interfering with gobliny business and continuing to generally annoy the crap out of everyone.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to “Warcraft Battleground Tactics – Episode 8”

  1. whats ur macro? :) I say that on almost all of your vids xD

  2. nice vids man and i have a druid moonkin and im getting pvp gear for a feral spec you pwn with it xD

  3. actually afflic locks don’t have stuns at all, u can’t say fear is a stun, ’cause practically it ain’t, and even if it were, if u blast ur target with 10K+ dmg it’s removed.

    idk also dk’s don’t have legit stuns right?

  4. Shadow Priests and Warlocks saying that fear immunity is too strong because you can’t do anything about it and they will pawn you = I’m used to fearing my opponents endlessly and destroying them whilst they are cc, how can I compete without that?!

    Couldn’t agree more with what you said, just from pvp’ing a lot I’ve learned what the counter strategy is for just about anything for just about any class. The amount of qq and nerf cries in forums is what is actually OP. Blizzard, however, is UP

  5. @lordjakx No, this isn’t bullshit. THIS… IS…. BLIZZARD!!! *Paladin kick*

    Personally, I’d like to get a fear removal but not immunity from Berserk, that makes sense to me and it seems like a strategic tactic instead of a facerolling move – I’ll leave that for the paladins and DKs, and those who play said classes.

    For the first time in 6 years, ferals druids actually posed a threat to holy paladins and resto druids (that’s just a measuring stick). Something had to be done about that. GG.

  6. very nice vid love all these bgs cuz i think arenas are boring:D and the pally at 04:46 hes all like „OH Shit i am out off here:D“

  7. Love that they nerfed Berserk… We need that fear immune to not get absolutely raped by locks, which we now are -.- Tis bullshit.

  8. @xBlutch its because shred costs 40 energy and mangle is only 35 .. shred is based on auto attack damage wich savage roar increases so it only makes it worth it when u have savage roar up and the only time i think anyway , u should have Sr up is when ur berserking

  9. WOW. ally got rly quick BG qeues , btw how much cat form AP u got? aand kep up the good vid

  10. @Neandrathal oh I get it ^^

  11. @xzkon I’m not lowering the game graphics just the resolution I’m recording in.

  12. how do you lower the graphics so quick?

  13. Hey man I have a 84 Druid I plan to go feral but for raids I enjoy ranged dps. Should I go balance or my 60 Mage thnx ; )

  14. @worgenzwithm14z Ret isn’t quite as good as a warrior as of now. Fury warriors are much more entertaining while leveling and even in End game content.

  15. Hey dude I need your opinion. I’ve got a 64 balance/resto druid (started on a new server with friends) and I’m w8ing for my leveling friend to catch up. Druids are getting boring as well because I have an 80 and 64. Should I make a fury warrior or a ret paladin?I like them both about equally just opinion shopping.

  16. dota based bg?? O_o that sounds fuckin awesome

  17. Hengest: Now, in 1080p.

    Love the video, just like always, i’m going to watch the balance druid thingy after this.

  18. @Left4randy Whats wrong with DK’s..? Frost has no survivability, blood has no burst and unholy has no heals and diseases can be dispelled.

  19. @jonasgrindhaha He said he might do duplicates.

  20. PLEASE do Frost Mage PvP mate, I know my opinion means little to you, but it would be freakin’ amazing ;D

  21. Kinda sucks there is only 8 battlegrounds because then there will only be 8 of these vids.. But im ready for some time lapse for sure ;)

  22. Hi Hengest, i play a feral druid and i was wondering why u said Shred isnt worth it without SR active, i cant find anything about this anywhere, they do not seem to have much to do with each other, could you explain a little further on this?

  23. Hi Hengest, i play a feral druid and i was wondering why u said Shred isnt worth it without SR active, i cant find anything about this anywhere, they do not seem to have much to do with each other, could you explain a little further on this?

  24. druids r the least of bliz probs dks need a nerf…


  26. who thinks the yogscast should do a wow gameplay lvl 1 to 80 thumbs this up if u think they should

  27. @Rep6794 Sometimes it damages your gear. However, you don’t lose any items you’re holding.

  28. string on a rocket- goblin viagra

  29. @Rep6794 life?

  30. Ima noob; do you lose anything once you die?

  31. @JohnKounoupis Worgen: have two forms, they can run on 4 legs, there are druids. Goblin: Rockets, hot rod.

  32. @JohnKounoupis No. They’re both pretty cool IMO.

  33. 1000 views overnight on all your videos for free? REAL views, checkout my vid: /watch?v=uqwhomCAO6o and rate when you have them to prove it works!

  34. Ummm, same to you I guess.

  35. @Omegahybridx fuck off

  36. Random Quote # 41, „They’ve got the same raging hormones, the same self-destructive desire to get boldly trashed and wildly out of control. Look out that window! That’s not a protest! That is cry for help! They’re begging us… please have a party! Feed us drinks!
    Get us laid! Aahhhhhh!“

  37. 4:40 THis is where pollution comes from kiddies

  38. who just saw the dickhead commercial

  39. Shamwow ad is getting annoying lol

  40. *snort* *Squeal* best laugh ever.

  41. what is the goblin ability’s u got?

  42. These quests look like they would be fun to lvl like 3 goblins to lvl 10 just for fun

  43. worgrens are cooler but goblins starter quests look cooler

  44. @RastanWins Fair enough

  45. @RastanWins I guess orcs cant spell

  46. You gotta admit, goblins are way cooler than worgen.

  47. well clearly the whale shark banged a hamer head and bam, the hammer was born

  48. memories of the whale shark

  49. Just me or does anyone else notice the similiarity between, Town-in-a-box and Dick-in-a-box by Thelonelyisland rofl thats a pretty awesome quest name 5/5

  50. I loved it when you attacked „The Hammer“

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