
Naruto Shippuden Movie 4 – The Lost Tower 2/6 English Subbed

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to “Naruto Shippuden Movie 4 – The Lost Tower 2/6 English Subbed”

  1. I may be getting too worked up for this even though it’s just an anime, but there’s so much epicosity in this episode I think I’ll start crying. T.T AWESOMENESS!

  2. Gai luks soooo much lyk Lee it’s ridiculous


  4. Did anyone notice the music that played immediately as Minato gave his son his kunai? He said, „This is my specially made kunai. I’ll be able to get to you no matter where you are with this.“ In a sense…that was so ironic…

  5. Minato you are just so yummy~

  6. @222111444888 The look on Jiraiya’s face when Minato disses him is almost as good though :)

  7. Lol Naruto gets double bitch-slapped.

  8. Minato didn’t want to know whether he becomes the 4th Hokage or not! When Naurto said HEY DUDE I believe he started to figure out who his father is but his father cut him off and wanted him to focus on the mission! Naurto follow his order’s not knowing naturally Minato is his father!

  9. bevar girl

  10. @RestrepoSinger05 no, kushina is naruto’s mother, minato is his dad….

  11. Wait so those r Naruto’s parents?

  12. she kind of looks like naruto’s mother

  13. oh never mind it his father

  14. i was like wow naruto father when i see the video lol

  15. Huwahh…Minato-senpai is so handsome ne…

  16. hahaha,Naruto has been fight with that girl,,jjajajaja


  18. It’s a little weird watching Naruto talk to his dad…..

  19. O.o naeuto thats ur father

  20. @uchiharainy lol my bad i assumed since they all looked the same age that they were the three jonin instructors.

  21. @uchiharainy no its shizune

  22. @Ryio5 yes its Shizune

  23. @Ryio5 its kurenai, gai, and asuma

  24. @xxemoAlexisxx1 It’s Naruto’s his father :D

  25. @SpeedmanX77X He will find out later on that the 4th Hokage is his father..

  26. Adoro o Deidara!^^

  27. 13 personas tienen debilidad por los libros icha icha

  28. como se llama el ending??


  30. como se llama la cancion del final del capitulo????? alguien sabe????

  31. Amo a Gaara!!!!!!

  32. q buenos capitulos la boca de deidara es toda saica

  33. diosss deidara tiene una bocasa

  34. jaajajajaj multaron a naruto por leer las diez primeras paginas de libro que escribio el sabio pervertido XD desde el min 9:07

  35. a Kakashi le pican las manos por saber como sigue el libro, y le salen con los spoilers xDDD… pobrecito jajaja

  36. jajaja alguien sabe kien le gusta a kakashi el mejor ninja aajaa

  37. Jajajajajaj la risa del Naruto del Minuto 3:47 al 4:01
    Jjajajajajajaja me hago pipi con su risa jajajajajaj

  38. Jajajaja, esta es la pelea mas larga y emocionante que he visto, jajaja, que delidad tan graciosa, que le cuenten el final del libro. Juro que me salte la otra pelea para ver la de Naruto y Sakura contra Kakashi

  39. Gaara!♥n_n

  40. Amo a Deidara, lo adoro y a Sasori tambien, son mis personajes preferidos, y Deidara es tan kaaaaawaiii

  41. saven como se llama el fansub?

  42. Que manera más tonta de perder xD, pero fue buena táctica de Naruto al pensar eso & atacar al mismo tiempo con Sakura a Kakashi x3

  43. en el 1:58 s ve guapismo naruto de perfil ia toodo un adolescente xDD

  44. oye sabes por casualidad como se llama la ultima cancion la del final plizzz

  45. vamos gaara!!

  46. deidara es muy guapo ( para mi) pero cada vez que termina de hablar ase Hmm

  47. jajaja pobe kakashi su debilidad son los spoiler EL FINAL DE NARUTO ES…..

  48. como me gusta la risilla de naruto XD jajajajajajajajaja

  49. MH!

  50. oigan naruto ya no dice tanto deberas xD

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