Bank Eat Bank: Bailout Encourages Mergers
With newfound bailout money in their wallets, big banks have been rushing to gobble up smaller ones. At the center of these mergers is the Treasury Department, led by Goldman Sachs alums Henry Paulson and Neel Kashkari. While neglecting struggling homeowners they have created major incentives for widespread bank consolidation, which could lead to a host of new problems. And, as members of Congress recently noted, Treasury officials seem to be making the rules up as they go.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
The 2009 Burnham Award for Excellence in Planning given annually since 1988 to recognize superior plans that have resulted in sensible growth and development in the Chicago region was presented to Chicago Metropolis 2020. Since the release of their 1999 landmark report Chicago Metropolis 2020: Preparing Metropolitan Chicago for the 21st Century, the business and civic leaders driving Chicago Metropolis 2020 have advocated for better regional planning and smarter investments in transportation, community development and housing, and the regions people. Among the groups accomplishments are the following: . Wrote the legislation and led the effort to create the consolidated Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning; . Organized and managed 250 organizations throughout the region in the year-long Burnham Plan Centennial, to make bold plans and big dreams for the next 100 years; . Crafted The Metropolis Freight Plan: Delivering the Goods to modernize and maintain the regions global leadership in freight; . Led a coalition to help create the Illinois Housing Task Force; . Wrote the legislation and led a coalition to help pass the Illinois Comprehensive Housing Planning Act requiring Illinois to have an annual housing plan; . Has led the nation on juvenile justice issues and alternatives to incarcerationon; . Led the CHANGE Illinois! coalition representing more than two million Illinoisans working for political reform legislation and focusing on campaign finance reform. In 1999 …
Video Rating: 0 / 5
This what handing all the cash to the Banksters with NO oversight gets you.
Next time a they ask you for your payment, tell the lady on the phone that „I own part of your company thanks to George Bush my tax dollars have bailed out out“. Then politely ask them for YOUR payment, since they owe YOU billions in tax dollars, when they sit silently on the phone, tell them „Well looks like I will need to send you to collections, you will be receiving a letter, have a nice day“:})
its over for us working people. every event in the last 2 years has just created a concentration of wealth that is going to bankrupt all citizens. People need to get their heads out of their ass so idiots like paulson dont get to be in the know and slaughter the rest of us. this cartel of goldman sachs people have manipulated the middle class out of their money multiple times so they can make us all their slaves.people areso busy thinking about worthless things that they will willingly die..
They are moving OUR money to the IMF!
The Nations four largest banks Citibank, J P Morgan, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America are owned by the same thieves that own The Fed Scam! Wake Up America! We are being sacked and looted NOW!
I want to know the truth now! Who helped Ben Bernanke embezzle our money? Who is Involved and how many? How long has this been going on for? Where is our money? How do we get it back?
The Rockefeller gang declared WAR on the United States of America many years ago!
bank steal other banks!
They use the tax payers money to consolidate there power!!
Wake up against these chiefs!
Nobody will control the people without their consent. I’m a firm believer that people haven’t stopped caring, they are just turned with their backs to this by society.
If the few of us won’t get support of the people, i can understand if someone will stop them without support of the people.
ARHG!!!! theyr stock is zilch tho so they can SUCK IT!!!
They should call it the tird program. I’m amazed that our congress wouldn’t think to maintain some control over our money, not leave it up to the money grubers to decided
very important vdeo for all of amerca and only 75 views.. this concern from the public scares the crap out of me.. It’s almosgt the nail in the coffin of what was AMERICA good video
Greedy bankers, you think you’re going to get away with this? You’re building a house of cards.