
Cool 9. Apple Store +160 % images

Some cool 9. apple store +160 % images:

Lake Merwin Overlook Portra
9.	apple store 	 +160 %

Image by Doha Sam
Pacemaker Crown Graphic with Kodak Portra 160 negative film. Schneider Kreuznach 150mm f5.6 Symmar-S lens.

Date: 2011-08-16
Time: 2:25pm
Exposure: 1/8 at f16
Movements: Bed drop and front tilt. Polariser. Focus was on the mountain and the tall upright foxglove flower head seen against the lake directly below the mountain.

Large format week continues!

I am pretty frustrated at the necesity for stitching these scans together from separate slices. I keep having alignment issues. Maybe if I could just afford a modern version of Photoshop Elements or something. Then again, that kind of money could probably get me a scanner with a big enough tranny adapter…

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