
A pirate looks at 40

A pirate looks at 40

Jimmy Buffett

Halo: Reach - Fails of the Weak Volume 40 (Funny Halo Screw Ups and Bloopers!)

Jack and Geoff welcome Fails of the Weak into it’s 40th episode. Will FotW start eyeballing younger fails? Will it grab a Corvette? Will FotW stop combing over it’s hair? Watch and find out!

50 Responses to “A pirate looks at 40”

  1. I gotta go fishing…I’m down to rock bottom again…just a few friends

  2. this is so heart felt I can’t help but like it.

  3. Love Jimmy. His concerts are fantastic, everybody has such a good time!!

  4. @TheRealGhostShaman And you’re too stupid to be allowed to breathe. Fucking retard, if that’s all you have to offer do not ever speak again. God I hate you and your trype.

  5. He should be the host of Survivor.Lol!!

  6. i f only he were born 200 years ago, he would have been such a good smuggler

  7. @TheRealGhostShaman fat people can go to the beach they just wear their shirts in the water

  8. @LynnieLousMusic yes i was kidding :P

  9. my best friend who killed himself turned me on to buffett in the mid 70′s love it!

  10. my best friend who killed himself turned me on to buffett in the mid 70′s love it!

  11. this is jimmys best song !

  12. @dean44100 Nah dude, he had it right.

  13. @dean44100 Seriously?? It goes „I made enough money to buy Miami but I pissed it away so fast“………….he made enough money to buy the city of Miami, not freaking ammo, lol

  14. wow dude, you made this for your mother, very admirable, I know the feeling..

  15. @laxtrixx27 buy my ammi** ammi is short for ammunition

  16. 12 people go for older women :( seriously though, what’s not to like about this song?

  17. I think this is the best song my father ever showed me.

  18. I made money to money to buy Miami but i pissed it away so fast.

  19. A1A bound.

  20. @TheRealGhostShaman thats fucked up man, im fat for the beach but i still sit out by the fire and raise hell, you should have said like 9 ppl still use steam


  22. @arbormike I was just wondering the same thing.

  23. love this and jack john sons version is great too….

  24. Yes I am a pirate, 200 years too late…..

  25. how could you dislike this?

  26. @Damien2OOO Not my fault. Someone put that wall in my way.

  27. The last one is more like a win

  28. Carter is the boss,Kat is the girl(dont know how else to describe her lol),Emile is the guy with the face on his visor,Jorge is the big guy with machine gun,Jun is the sniper guy in green. hope this helps :)

  29. Its nightfall not long night of solace

  30. Yh, it was the movie Wanted. The Israeli army saw the movie and was like „Hey… we can do that“
    And they did… kinda…

  31. 3:18
    Red: hey look a granade AHHHHH!!!!!

  32. @TheKronikman88
    Yarrgh, that be Pvt. Donut

  33. So emile is.. The big guy ..or is that jorge. Yeah jorge is the big guy lolz

  34. @m4r1o148 ya, it’s supposed to be like that…go watch the first volume, they explain that

  35. any one eals see the ad

  36. wait… did you guys ever notice you spelled week wrong? you said weak as in puny. :D

  37. LOL anyone else love the lady cop ads that come on every once in a while

  38. dick bounces are funny! haha

  39. (FrozenDozer) That was the worst throw, of all time. (Washington RvB)

  40. 1.42 nope he shot the wall then he died

  41. Emil is the one with the skull visor and gearge is the big guy that was June…. wy is June always killing the player? lol its usally june and his sniper rifle…..(note to self make sure june has no sniper rifle and if he does hide from him)

  42. When did Caboose become red lol 2:27

  43. @UnderAgeGamer I will add you, but if you wind up adding me first my gamertag is CHESSmaster453

  44. cdleming has a playlist of every „Halo Fails of the Week“ that RoosterTeeth has done to date & is updated when new videos come out. Look me up ^_^

  45. the german army invented the rap around gun in world war 2

  46. Add Me On Xbox


  47. Look at the tags. And, Tacos. Lolololol

  48. I am Chuck Norris and i approve this game.

  49. June is the sniper. Jorge is the big guy. Emile is the guy with the skull painted on his helmet

  50. My friend did the same thing with a warthog once in halo one on blood gulch. Granted I was spamming grenades at him, so that might have help. I think he got stuck in the scenery, unlike that guy.

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