
Minecraft – Redstone Conway’s Game of Life (Simulation Game)

Hey! Since i started playing Minecraft i’ve become interested in logic gates. This project took me about 6 hours in total, and please don’t make any comments about this being a waste of time. Because while making this i really learned A LOT and i had really FUN doing it! This is the result of veeeery many logic gates working together. Each cell in this video calculates how many of the neighbour cells that are active. There can be 0-8 neighbours active. If the cell is active and have 2 or 3 neighbours it stays active. If the cell is dead and have 3 neighbours active, it’s changed to active. If none of these conditions are met the cell dies. When not recording with fraps the calculation for each generation takes 2-6 seconds depending on the complexity of the pattern. Each cell has a width of 13 blocks, a length of 16 blocks and a height of about 35 blocks. So far the cells starting conditions are set off manually but i have saved loads of space in the design to make place for wires to make it more managable. If you want more info about; Minecraft: Logic Gates and Redstone: Conway’s Game of Life:

25 Responses to “Minecraft – Redstone Conway’s Game of Life (Simulation Game)”

  1. Two words: Dirt house.

  2. @ShadowHunter120 go to options and u will c how….

  3. This isn’t a game its a video lol. if its random he should of put a clock on the lever and make it a real video.

  4. I’m surprised that you haven’t modded the world interface to become an ever evolving game of life for the scenery: All you’d need is for the different „voxels“ have different rules in relation to each other (which they have anyway, to make coherent landscapes, but to then implement a timer to have them „evolve“ by changing natures depending on their neighbors. Any changes to a landscape would cascade the effect, making global changes.

  5. you should have it on a loop so you dont have to keep pulling the lever

  6. Why do you keep pulling the lever back and forth instead of just installing a stone button?

  7. how you so epic at this

  8. How the hell did you made it!!!! O_o

  9. HOW IS IT IN 3D!?!?!?!?

  10. @KanyeTroll Fool.

  11. Shit that’s amazing.

    I’m thinking I’ll make a mod which adds a block that acts as a cell :D

  12. rule no. 2 you spell three wrong

  13. If you’re still playing with redstone circuits, I’d recommend getting the mod „redpower“. It makes it much more simple to create redstone circuits, basically adds redstone alloy wires that carry signals (if I remember correctly), 300 blocks.

  14. Is this map available to download?

  15. Brilliant!

  16. dude…MINECRAFT is more difficult then fucking math at school…“any live cell with fewer then two live neighbours dies, as if caused by under-population“ i dont even know what 5+(-4) * + 8 is… or i fink thats 8. BUT STILL!

  17. Derp?

  18. A game based on placing blocks, made into something so complex, it… it just rapes my brain over and over.

  19. This is really amazing, you’re a genius!

  20. Conway has no life

  21. so i build a dirt house then i place a diamond block and it was awesome.

  22. @Tritex989 You’re too smart for me -.- lol, keep up the good work :)

  23. Logically, the design is simple (the game of life is simple on a per-cell basis). The only obstacle would be having the patience.

    What would be really epic is a fully x86_32 compatible CPU and a good 16MB of RAM (which is HUGE). Then we can see if it runs Linux 0.01 :P

    Unfortunately, Minecraft doesn’t have that capacity.

    Well done sir :P

  24. gimmie wait do you even know how to copy a map for all to see muhhaahahi?
    (i wanted it to ryme dont evar use those types of rymes in songs or you’ll sound lazy)

  25. Very very complex but awesome

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