
Apple’s Siri Speaks Haitian Creole

Apple’s Siri technology speaks Haitian Creole on the new iPhone 4S.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to “Apple’s Siri Speaks Haitian Creole”

  1. that’s a joke lollll. but it would be funny though

  2. @mearder If Siri didn’t start swearing, people would have taken this seriously and would think Siri really spoke Creole. The joke is in the outlandishness of the whole thing.

  3. The beginning was funny bu when it started swearing which was still funny but I thought was childish

  4. this is great pagan problem…

  5. he fixed it himself and it s not funny

  6. So funny!

  7. Hhaaaahhhaaahaaaahaaaaahaaaaahhhaaaahhhaaa ommggg …… manmanw c bouzin omggg ….so funnyyyy :)

  8. @lilPat Ok, but at least they laughed.

  9. damn bail la so funny …. !!

  10. @HaitiXchange They laughed but my mom kept saying „OH OH!“ each time siri said something bad hahahahhahaha

  11. omg!! madan siri frekant papa. LMAO. my stomack is on fire i laugh to much

  12. Man, this is good laughing stuff, I love

  13. lol

  14. En Gwadloup , nou ka ri sa, i bon mem…. we like your video, very funny…

  15. Why are people asking if this is real? Haven’t you heard about the I-phone 4s?

  16. i’ve seen this many times and i cry laughing each time….

  17. @lilPat What did your parents say?

  18. Funny as hell and well put together!!!

  19. So funny

  20. Lmao

  21. LMAOOO This is too Funny!!!!!!!

  22. oh no she didnt !!!!! lol sa bon net

  23. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I have to show this to my parents!

  24. HAHAHAHAH THIS VID WAS HILARIOUS!!!! Man, that will teach that apple siri not 2 mess wit us Haitians!!!!! XD Thumbs up if you agree!

  25. Yo this vid was the bomb. I can’t stop laughing

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