Anyone Can Break Into Your iPad 2 Passcode with a Smart Cover
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Video Rating: 4 / 5
Technology codes our minds, changes our OS. Apple products have done this extensively. The video shows how magazines are now useless and impossible to understand, for digital natives. It shows real life clip of a 1-year old, growing among touch screens and print. And how the latter becomes irrelevant. Medium is message. Humble tribute to Steve Jobs, by the most important person : a baby.
Video Rating: 3 / 5
@3SunkenSchooners Thank you i was going to say the same thing. Just cause a child touches an ipad, and notices movement, and then happens to touch books in the same way, doesnt mean she is trying to make the pictures move… My little sister also does all of this, minus the ipad. its the same with a tv, just cause a child happens to find the power button on a couple tv’s doesnt mean it understands what there doing, nor do they even understand how to replicate it.
Interesting video (would like more, professional, psychological studies seen on this), yet bet that iPad will be broken soon, compared to a magazine that just loses a printed page.
Steve Jobs has never coded anything.
@mikeabundo the American Pediatric Association recommends ZERO screen time for kids under 2 years of age. Furthermore, a study by Pempek et al. (2010) shows that infants under 18 months do not process video the same way as 18+ month olds. The science backs up the „technophobic luddites“ in this case.
Give the Kid a GOOD magazine:)
you can actually get an iPad 2 for Free, simply google for:
It’s hilarious to me that everyone is complaining about technology replacing something they perceive to be more real such as words on traditional paper. Folks where do you think books, magazines and even paper itself came from? Have we had those things since the start of time? No! They were all invented and were cutting edge technologies at one point. So cry all you want over paper. But „you can’t stop progress,“ which is the same thing Gutenberg was probably thinking…
My cousin who’s never seen an iPad does this…they’re figuring out sensory input, not trying to make the pictures in a magazine move. This is basic child behavior.
not everyone can afford an iPad . . . everyone can afford a magazine or a newspaper. You can put scratch and sniff in a magazine. You can’t put scratch and sniff in an iPad. I would love a smart phone but my wallet won’t allow me to pay that much for monthly service and high speen internet at home…. not to mention the unreasonable price of a „smart“ phone. You’re gonna be really sad when the whole internet system fails and you don’t know how to use a magazine.
Give her both types of media and she’ll learn the differences. No worries. As humans we don’t have set OSs.
Also am I the only one who noticed the fact that she was trying to pick up what looked like a piece of paper, but was really part of a photograph? The kid’s exploring her world. Let her at it!
@xflashahh consider? wtf continue to be *
Yeah technology is great and everything, and i know this kid’s incredibly young, but the idea that she, and many other children, will be dependent on technology and dismiss a physical book or magazine frightens me. i guess i’m a bit of a technophobe, because as a traditional illustrator graduating this year, i am terrified i will have very little future in the illustrative arts if we consider to wiped out.
You’d think the kid would at LEAST have figured how to flip the video the right way up before putting it online. Sheesh. My neck.
hey guys I made a video on how you can get free apps for apple / android , in just a few clicks ( no jailbreak required, no registration required) /watch?v=kYnB2Rqquhc&feature=channel_video_title (please thumbs up so others can see , thanks and good luck)
@Karrrkarr, yep i know, Just Got My iPad 2 Free my self! I picked up my iPad 2 last night. I think they are still giving them away for free, google for:
at 0:48 it sounds like shes saying oh google!
@mikeabundo You are the only one comment that I can respond to… I think she is not even ahead of the curve, she is just indicating that there is a curve, and that it is very steep. Her behaviour on all other matters is perfectly standard. The problem is not with her, but with media obsolescence
This is amazing that this smart young child embraces tech…my baby boomer parents cringe and go hide in the corner when any type of technology like an ipad or smartphone gets within 15 feet of them.
The number of technophobic luddites in this thread is astonishing. This kid’s ahead of the curve, and that scares people who’ve grown attached to their dead-tree media.
Is that an Ipad NOPE chuck testa
Technology = Laziness
A child is an adult that does not work right – Unless you raise her correctly!
I see the world burning.
I see the world burning.