
TWiST Santiago, Chile Meetup – TWiST #168

TWiST Santiago, Chile Meetup - TWiST #168

0:00-3:00 Welcome everyone to the first TWiST Santiago, Chile meetup! 3:00-5:15 With us today is Jose Caballer, host of This Week in Web Design. 5:15-6:00 Thank you to Hiscox for sponsoring the show. Let’s take a look at the trailer for their web series Leap Year. 6:00-8:00 Trailer for Leap Year. 8:00-11:00 Welcome to James Kennedy, the TWiST Chile meetup organizer. 11:00-11:30 Breaking news: Paris Hilton has joined Google+. ( 11:30-12:30 Natalia from safe-search company Zuggi does the first pitch. See the product at 12:30-14:00 Jose rates the Zuggi presentation at an 8 and the idea at an 8. 14:00-16:00 Jason rates the pitch at a 7 and the idea at an 8. For the pitch, it would be good to give an example. 16:00-17:00 Next up is Go to to learn more. 17:00-18:45 Jason: I think it’s a bad pitch because you were too concerned with selling the brand and not enough with the virtue of the product. 18:45-20:00 Jose, could you tell what the product was? (Jose gives the pitch a five.) 20:00-21:15 How much would it cost to re-do this website? 21:15-21:30 Was that too brutal? Well done Claudio. 21:30-26:00 Thank you to GoToMeeting for sponsoring the show. 26:00-28:00 Yifan presents Gym-Pact. Go to to learn more. 28:00-30:00 Jose: I think the pitch was clear and I think this is a real problem, getting motivated to go to the gym. I give the pitch a 7 and the idea is a solid 8. 30:00-31:00 It seems as though you need to
Video Rating: 4 / 5

David Letterman - Chilean Miner, Edison Peña

The rescued miner talks about life underground, his sanitation issues and the guy who got on his nerves. Plus: Elvis tunes!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

27 Responses to “TWiST Santiago, Chile Meetup – TWiST #168”

  1. Gym-Pact.
    As I understand it, you commit to go to the gym and pay x amount per visit.
    If you go you win cash, but if you don’t go you lose that cash.

    So 10 people commit to go 10x per month and pay $5 each = $500 prize pot.

    ALL 10 people go 10x so all WIN!

    Gym-Pact retain 30% so there is only $350 to divide, so each person wins $35 – A LOSS of $15 each lol

    Where does the extra money come from to ensure that if all users do hit their commitment, they all get at least their investment back?

  2. The gym thing is awesome!!


  4. @ElMakz mexikaner och chilenare är same shit different name…

  5. @kalllesvensson haha underbart dum i huvudet du är. du och en neger är samma shit.

  6. @ElMakz mexikaner och chilenare är same shit…

  7. @kalllesvensson sitter där o spelar amerikan som om du träffat en mexikan eller som om mexikaner skulle va ett problem i sverige. vart fan vill du komma. håll käften bara. Sitter du o tror att du ska få tummar upp eller?

  8. @kalllesvensson jävla idiot han e från chile och vad fan vet du om mexikaner.

  9. mexicans….

  10. Jajajja es mejor escuchar como lo dice en chileno que la traduccion (Obviamente) … pero está chistoso

  11. The only way to gather people from two distant parts of the world is through music as you can see.

  12. i love this guy , i dont care if he cant speak english.

  13. There are a lot of native spanish speakers in NY and they hire her as interpreter??

  14. @GermanGarmendia the imbecile….. I think the interpreter did a good job in interpreting. When she speaks Spanish she’s got an accent because the interpreter is an American and Spanish is not her mother tongue.
    You are typical Chilean who loves putting people down.

  15. Cassandra the interpreter did a wonderful job in interpreting the Chilean miner.
    I’m fluent in English and Spanish myself. And I have to give a lot of credit to the interpreter. Apart from that Cassandra is a nice-looking bird.
    People are saying that the interpreter is terrible. That’s your opinion.
    I bet people are envious and full of jealousy of the interpreter.

  16. The interpreter is terrible. She embellished and made stuff up. FAIL.

  17. @GermanGarmendia People have different accents across the United States. Stop being single-minded.

  18. Did they have sex down there?

  19. Please, please PLEASE marry me! This guy is so damn CUTE! If he were „mine“ he could go down my hole and come back out every day, ever hour, every minute, EVERY SECOND. In, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, faster, in, out, in, out, in, out. I need a cigarette. Sex appeal is the universal language.

  20. Dave needs to have him back on

  21. If anyone is interested, I wrote a song for the Chilean miners, type in ‘Brewster camp hope’ or ‘Brewster Campamento Esperanza’. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you.

  22. The interpreter sucks!

  23. as*

  24. I just want to clear something up.. I`m chilean and we don’t talk like that, he talks weird … btw the interpreter sucks, i speak spanish and her spanish sucks :/

    still funny has hell :)

  25. Last year when I watching Letterman they had on one of the rescued Chilean miners, Edison Pena, on the show. Edison’s true Human Spirit shows through on this clip. Especially, when he just flows into one of Elvis hits you just can’t hold back a immense smile. You must have been truly Blessed by God Edison! tkr

  26. How can 20 people not like this?

  27. @anita106 shes an interpreter

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