
„180″ Movie

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to “„180″ Movie”

  1. @shwoody People have had their minds numb down and dumbed down to not even think of the fetus as a baby…that’s the problem. If only they know you and I even started there…

  2. Wow, I was left speechless afterwards…

  3. People should watch this!

  4. We protect rain forests, whales, trees, bald eagles (and many more)…what about unborn babies? None of these other things could ever equal up to the amount of just one human life.

  5. The tubs of dead babies from abortion is like the pits of adults that hilter killed.

  6. So glad that Ricard Dawkins for directing this video. I agree with the person that said this first. It was so tragic! Nightmare times. We cannot forget this. It cannot be allowed to happen again.

  7. This is scary! Lord help us all. It cannot be forgot what a evil man he was. There are these are these stupid people that still exist!

  8. @shwoody i dont agree with abortion i am a christian and i agree with you this is biased
    show to an intellectual. just because they are in school or have a degree doesnt make them smart in the things of god, on the other hand you seing the bias in this dont let that stop you from considering this issue on how god sees this issue. if you dont belive in Jesus reconsider

  9. @SolarUmbra „no, i dont believe they find it hateful. some might but from what ive gathered, they find it imposing and threatening. “ I guess my point is, when I say that there is a God and a judgement, etc, I am not doing it out of hate, anger or anything else except the motivation to see people have a restored relationship to God. When an atheist or agnostic or whatever tells me I’m an idiot for believing in fairytales, it serves no purpose other than to insult.

  10. This video is false in so many ways! It’s very biased in the way they ask their questions. One question the guy asks is „It’s okay to kill a baby in the womb when…?“ The entire abortion controversy is if the fetis IS a baby, so already establishing a main argument in a question is biased and it shows manipulation throughout this movie.

  11. @82shellyrae Fair enough, I see your point there. In my mind it makes sense which you probably don’t understand. My stance on the issue is that I think it is wrong to take away someone’s individual right to make their own decision (which I believe for more than just issues like this marriage for example). I do not condone having an abortion if you are physically, financially and mentally capable of raising a child but I don’t think the choice should be taken away..from ANYBODY.

  12. @Taiwan1997 Looooool you are a fine example of what people don’t like, you twist my words around. I don’t think a fetus is a baby. I’ve always thought that life begins when you take your first breath of air, just as it ends when you take your last breath. That is my personal opinion. I do not think a fetus is a baby or a child. Come @ me. I welcome you.

  13. @burtsquirt6plus7 no, i dont believe they find it hateful. some might but from what ive gathered, they find it imposing and threatening. I might go as far to say that atheists post those signs out of spite of the message on the Christian signs because they feel that those signs blatantly say „they are wrong and will pay for it“, but i dont know the answewr to that as i am neither.

  14. @SolarUmbra „look you can say your doing people a favor, but they view it as a more threatening message“ Once again, it is not my intention to treathen or seem hateful, but it is my intention to share with others the message of the Bible and what God has done to have a relationship with his creation. I can’t help if that offends you or anyone else. As I said, I once was an enemy of God and now I am not.

  15. @SolarUmbra „look you can say your doing people a favor, but they view it as a more threatening message. you fail to take into account their point of view.“ It’s easier to keep track of comments if I quote. I hate the way YouTube disjoins them. Anyway, it’s not that I fail to take into account their point of view…I was was one of them and someone told me. I believe non-Christians make the assumption that this is done in hatred when the opposite is true.

  16. @burtsquirt6plus7 i didnt use the words cruel and hateful…you did. what hapened to you quoting me? i liked that. look you can say your doing people a favor, but they view it as a more threatening message. you fail to take into account their point of view.

  17. @burtsquirt6plus7 no, i was referring to your comment. not what you just said. you say there are signs that say „it’s foolish to believe in god“ when there are signs that say „if you don’t trust in the lord jesus christ, you’ll burn in hell“. both sides do their fair share of swinging their beliefs or lack there of in each others face. your comment is hypocrisy simply because it is….and your welcome

  18. Thank you for the post, brothers. :)

  19. @SolarUmbra Yes, Christians will try to convice you that there is a God and a Hell and a Heaven and a Savior, because like a person who knows there is a fire in a building, to not yell, „Fire!“ is cruel and hateful. You think it is cruel and hateful to tell you these things, be we know by doing so we are rescuing you from a burning building. I’m sorry if it offends you, but it would be more hypocritical to know what the Bible says and to live my life and not warn you.

  20. @burtsquirt6plus7 nope, i was referring to your comment. not once did i mention what you just said. you say there are signs along the side of the road saying „its foolish to believe in god“ when there are also signs that say“if you don’t trust in the lord jesus christ, you will burn in hell“. both sides do their fair share of swinging their belief or lack there of in peoples face. your comment was hypocrisy because it was….and your welcome.

  21. @SolarUmbra „sorry, its hard to tell when people are being sarcastic over the internet“ I believe that’s one thing we can agree on. You certainly can’t tell someone’s tone over the internet…unless they are yelling and swearing. Then it’s hard to miss. A lot of times people are being sincere and it’s hard to discern that as well.

  22. @doberman2yk Let me get this straight . . . you claim „atheist people are far far far far FAAAAAAAAAAR more tolerant of others than religions people“ IMMEDIATELY after stating that you „really wish someone would have punched his brains out.“ LOL

  23. @EzekielWinnfield „Amen to that. Atheists and their ilk want to play the victims and don’t think that Christians are ever persecuted or they probably think we deserve to be.“ Of course you are right. Their way of tolerance, is to call us intolerant and try to silence us. Doesn’t sound very tolerant, does it?

  24. @SolarUmbra „but it is hypocrisy“ How so? Because when Christians say something we are told to keep quiet and not shove our beliefs down other people’s throats and be tolerant. But when an atheist tells us we’re stupid and swears at us and same all manner of evil against us they are justified and there is no standard of tolerance that they must meet? Come to think of it, you are right. That is very hypocritical. Thanks for point it out.

  25. @burtsquirt6plus7 sorry, its hard to tell when people are being sarcastic over the internet….but it is hypocrisy.

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