
New Zealand races to contain oil spill

New Zealand is facing its worst environmental disaster in decades after a container ship stranded off the North Island started leaking oil off Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty region. The government has been trying to disperse the spill by spraying chemicals on it while other crews raced to remove the remaining oil from the vessel. However, many people are angry at the authorities’ slow response. Some believe that the this crisis could have been prevented. Al Jazeera’s Jamal Elshayyal reports.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Kevin Pereira’s special report on the devastating BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continues with his look at the oil’s impact on the fragile wildlife. He learns about the techniques used to clean up the oil and save the affected birds. For more from AOTS Exclusive, go here:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to “New Zealand races to contain oil spill”

  1. Seafarers must have one international standard licensure examination and don’t just live that responsiblity to their flag states… because it’s your states the pays for the damages…

  2. this is not accident this is total careless and negligence!

    Check The Captain’s Licensing Authorithy (Liberia and Philippines) Check their examation system. Does it really test the competence of the Captain or just let him pass by chance?

  3. poor new zealand

  4. this is not accident this is total careless and negligence

  5. god dumb pinoy crew,how would they dnt. notice this charted reef its in the map,must be the pinoy capt. might be high on meth..

  6. The Government should have invested in a specialised response ship , the Greens and the Maritime Union requested!

    Corexit 9500 – Clean Green my ass!

  7. Filipinos are responsible for this.

  8. @SuperFucktheusa „Before it becomes a reality…“ Pretty sure it’s already happening! Something big is coming..



  10. Steven Joyce is a fucking dickhead. NZ has too many assclowns like him who cause more problems than they solve

  11. There is no ‘racing’ happening here. Like the Gulf Oil spill in the East Pacific and Exxon Mobil Oil spill in the north Pacific, the oil spill in the South Pacific was an „accident“. I wonder whether the nuclear contamination of the West Pacific ocean was an accident too.

  12. let’s change to renewables

  13. F the Oil. Time to think of alternative fuels like Water, solar energy, and a safer way to contain uranium.

  14. At least it didn’t happen to Christchurch…

  15. Environmental agency Greenpeace denounced the spill and what it claims is a slow response.

  16. @NewSimpleadams Sign up: Protest against toxic chemicals being sprayed of ‘Bay of Plenty’

    FACEBOOK SEARCH: “Tauranga Oil Spill~ New Zealanders against COREXIT 9500”

  17. @charbroiledmonk1033 Sign up: Protest against toxic chemicals being sprayed of ‘Bay of Plenty’

    FACEBOOK SEARCH: “Tauranga Oil Spill~ New Zealanders against COREXIT 9500”

  18. @mosallamable Sign up: Protest against toxic chemicals being sprayed of ‘Bay of Plenty’

    FACEBOOK SEARCH: “Tauranga Oil Spill~ New Zealanders against COREXIT 9500”

  19. @NewSimpleadams …Sign up: Protest against toxic chemicals being sprayed of ‘Bay of Plenty’

    FACEBOOK SEARCH: “Tauranga Oil Spill~ New Zealanders against COREXIT 9500”

  20. @panthera50 ..Sign up: Protest against toxic chemicals being sprayed of ‘Bay of Plenty’

    FACEBOOK SEARCH: “Tauranga Oil Spill~ New Zealanders against COREXIT 9500”

  21. @Aetopus Sign up: Protest against toxic chemicals being sprayed of ‘Bay of Plenty’

    FACEBOOK SEARCH: “Tauranga Oil Spill~ New Zealanders against COREXIT 9500”

  22. @Mattothee Sign up: Protest against toxic chemicals being sprayed of ‘Bay of Plenty’

    FACEBOOK SEARCH: “Tauranga Oil Spill~ New Zealanders against COREXIT 9500”

  23. @bongojim420 Sign up: Protest against toxic chemicals being sprayed of ‘Bay of Plenty’

    FACEBOOK SEARCH: “Tauranga Oil Spill~ New Zealanders against COREXIT 9500”

  24. Sign up: Protest against toxic chemicals being sprayed of ‘Bay of Plenty’

    FACEBOOK SEARCH: “Tauranga Oil Spill~ New Zealanders against COREXIT 9500”

  25. Corexit 9500, four times more toxic than crude oil, is one of the most poisonous dispersants ever developed, and is up to 20 times more toxic than other dispersants, and only half as effective. When Corexit 9500, with its 2.61 ppm toxicity level, is combined with the warm waters of the Gulf much of it will transition into a gaseous state that will be absorbed into clouds, to be released as toxic rain!


  27. This wouldn’t have happened if Washington didn’t put all these regulations on oil companies forcing them to drill offshore.

  28. im gonna swim down there myself and plug the hole with my dick

  29. how lives in a pineapple under the sea no1 thnxs to bp how died in an oil spill cause of bp spongebog sqaurepants sponge bob sqaurpant spongie bob sqaurepants Ha ha ha ha . XD

  30. This looks like a job for Mr. MINT-BERRY CRUNCH!!!

  31. Hello,

    My name is Patrick,

    Look at you tube my machine: type ‘rena shipwreck’ look at all my you tube movies.
    Look for the red Hitachi.
    Its only a prototype, the wan you need is 270 inch wide cleans in 4 hours 10 miles 8 meter wide.
    This is a oil spill beach Solution.

    If you want more info than call me.

    Kind Regards

    Patrick van Oeveren
    +31 652586234
    The Netherlands
    Company: Oil Cleaning Solutions B.V.

    This is a Solution for oil spills on beaches

  32. This is all a shame

  33. More BP BS They will pay off a politician and find a loop hole to save their money.

  34. …and for once in a long ass time, you can’t blame America for the disaster.

  35. this video came much in handy i am a seventh grader and we had to do a poster and presentaion on A HEI and me and my partner picked the bp oil spill and i am getting some last minute info so i dont hav to read stuff :)

  36. You’d think the Americans would appreciate a shitload of free oil right off their coast.
    But strangely, no, they don’t.

  37. Why dont they just take the oil spill, and push it somewhere else

  38. he should have done this documentary naked… just sayin

  39. HAIKU

    I hatch! Crawl! And swim!

    Oh how I love my sweet life,

    Don’t pollute my home.

    —A Green Sea Turtle

  40. Hmm Bp need stornger pipes

  41. Nope, merely a scientific mind which is being shunned by diligent ignorance from the likes of people I would refer to as less than chums.

  42. @davidconjefferson soooo….im pretty sure ur a homosexual

  43. @steal310 Hahaha.
    Anyone stupid enough to try that would get blown out of the water by a Type 45 destroyer …
    bring it.


  45. oh, and no BP didn’t compensate people, that jackass in the red-shirt is obviously being paid alot to tell false info to ignorant people

  46. i’m not even worried about the oil anymore, i’m more worried about all of the chemicals the put in the water to eat the oil, it is far more dangerous to both humans, animals, and eco-system then the oil actually is

  47. many people are ignorant to the fact that oil drilling causes constant oil leaks. it is not possible to drill for oil without causing pollution to the oceans. the more i have learned about crude oil and the sea creatures it kills the more sickened it makes me. alot of shell fish and crabs get harmed by oil drills

  48. i think oil should be illegal

  49. Watch: topdocumentaryfilms(dot)com/the-curse-of-oil/

  50. wow people think since its capped up its fine.its not when i turn 30 it will still be washing up.they could have damages the gulf almost completely

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